#audience growth

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1 week ago
Media industry

How sending fewer emails and content previews improved The New Yorker's newsletter engagement

The New Yorker improved engagement and subscriber conversion by sending fewer, more curated newsletters. [ more ]
1 week ago

Marketing Briefing: Brands collaborate on influencer marketing with an eye on 'community infiltration,' finding fee savings

Brands are collaborating with multiple influencers to increase audience reach and authenticity. [ more ]
1 week ago

How To Make and Sell Merch Your Fans Will Love (2024) - Shopify

Creating and selling merch can engage fans, create brand ambassadors, and generate revenue. [ more ]
The Hill
1 month ago

Record Digital Engagement for The Hill

The Hill had a record-breaking performance in Q1'24 with 34M monthly unique visitors and 87M average visits, outperforming competitors like Bloomberg, Axios, and Politico. [ more ]
1 month ago

How Newsweek is pursuing audience and revenue growth this election year

Presidential election year may not maximize revenue due to platform issues and ad market challenges. [ more ]
1 month ago
Digital life

Why Facebook has been filled with Jesus Christs made with eggs, spaghetti or cauliflowers

Facebook promotes AI-generated Jesus images for audience growth. [ more ]
6 months ago
Social media marketing

Unlock The Secrets To Growing Your Audience: 5 Proven ChatGPT Prompts

Having a large audience is crucial for business growth and success.
ChatGPT can help in finding and engaging with your target audience.
Focus on specific platforms where your ideal customers spend time.
Redirect people from dormant accounts to active ones. [ more ]
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